Sunday 16 September 2012

Watching Marie Antoinette on TV. Seen it before and I really like it. I like that time era (the renaissance?). I found these old stories quiet interesting. Marie Antoinette, Victoria and Albert, king Henry the 8th, Lady Jane Gray.

Any who, just had a shower and now wearing a face mask =) which I am to wash off in a minute.

My day contained cleaning the house, making some food (read chicken) for next week, been doing a bit of studying as we got our first "homework" lol, went for a run which was really exhausting, I really felt it in my legs =) Did a bit of stretching and I can really tell the different as I now can actually reach my toes both standing and sitting down, if you know what I mean, and I could barely reach my knees before lol. My back is a nightmare though =( I need someone to really break it for me.

Talk latha.

Over and out

Finnish time 21.32pm

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